Frontier Alliance International (FAI) is a Christian organization that focuses on delivering an impactful response in conflict zones across the Middle East. FAI emphasizes sustaining life through meaningful humanitarian aid and relief. At the same time, Frontier Alliance International enables positive, long-term growth in communities that have been devastated and are in search of moral redemption.
The FAI response in Syria is managed from Camp Golan, which houses the Emmaus Institute of Israel and Middle East Studies. Having completed studies, students move to the spiritual front-lines, where they can be of most service in delivering life-sustaining assistance.
A major FAI effort is its counter-trafficking initiative, which strives to rescue and rehabilitate those who are victims of a pervasive and often sanctified degradation of women. The organization also produces a wealth of mission-relevant media, including the resource library and five-film series “Covenant and Controversy.” The series focuses on theological issues that encompass the past, present, and future, as well as prophetic significance of Jerusalem and Israel in contemporary life.